Friday, November 29, 2013

Follow Me On Instagram

Follow me on Instagram at Oracle_Of_Light for great daily words of wisdom to jump start your day.
Also feel free and email me for information on Tarot Readings at

Words Of Widsom

The Stars Support your dreams every night you sleep. The Goals and dreams you make for yourself, the stars above will put into fruition. Here, your true spiritual divine light , will only shine that much brighter. You are a star Being.

From Your humble Spirit Guide,

-For Information on Tarot Readings, Please E-mail Me at


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tarot of the day for the ACTUAL day YOU read this post!! =)

Greetings My Friends!

 Today i would like to introduce myself. I had a wonderful journey to the spiritual world and was introduced my universal name. The divine called me StarStorm =). i Kinda like it.. so from this day forth my spiritual name will be StarStorm.

I would like to give you a Tarot for the day. Now even though i post this tarot on a different day than you actually read it. It will apply to the current day that you read this.

Three of Wands:

A person holds three wands looking out into the ocean. There he sees ships venturing out to new adventures. His Wand in one hand and two strong wands standing next to him in support

This is a spiritual motivation. The Three of wands is having visions of whats to come. The spirit is being inspired to create and be passionate about what he wants and whats to come. For me this was my journey to the spirit realm where i was among the divine beings in the universe and they blessed me with my universal name in the spirit realm. This vision gave me hope of the people that i would outreach to and shine light on their journey one day. This card represent the vision of many things to come, dreams to come into fruition.

that was for me, now for you this could mean something exciting. whether your on a spiritual path or would like a spirit to help you on your personal journey whether it be love, career, spirituality and just day to day concerns. this card represent things you've locked away in your head because you never thought it would become true.. but it has.. Its only miles away from happening. Those positive hopeful thoughts you have towards this vision, passion, love that you have inside you will come to in fruition.. Its a Positive Sign  of whats to come..

This card is extra special for me, because if you do read this post in the future day, it would have proven itself accurate, that i have reached out to someone reading this post and they have seen my vision too.

Blessing to You My Friend


Monday, November 11, 2013

Remember to surround yourself with the people that help you grow not keep you stagnant..

Many blessings my friend!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

King of Pentacles

I meditated on the King of pentacles today. This shall be today's Card.

With the king of pentacles , there's so much love and nurture in his home environment. Hes ruler of his finance, ruler of his work, taking control of his health, growing new things into the world. He found the secret to producing these things. Produce them with love and positivity, because more love you put into your housework, your chores, your work outs, your gardening., your health and your job the more you will see it be abundant and fruitful. Today, you will take control of these aspects of your life with a smile and with love. Enjoy watching your groundings increase.


-Oracle of Light

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Queen of Pentacles

The queen of pentacles is an earth mother. She nurtures her foundation with each step she walks on, Shes organizes control of her financial state, her health, and her grounding .. The queen of pentacles is so powerful because shes nurtures these items in her life with love and light.

Today nurture the things in your life that are of practical matter, your health, your finance, your home, your work environment or maybe even the plants around you.. Pour love into things which are grounding and earthly in your life. Plant the seed of positive energy and love today! This will help bloom these things with abundance and positivity in the future. Start today! =)


- Oracle Of Light

Your Dreams are Truly Important

Be Creative, Be Imaginative,creation was made to create all things beautiful and of love. Your talents, your vision and your dreams are what makes the divine continue to create.


-Oracle of Light