Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Justice Card: Tarot Card Of The Day

I decided to do a tarot reading for the day. Today's Card is Justice

Justice card today means a decision needs to be made that will change a circumstance in your life. This choice you make will set the stone for whats to come and no other possibilities can come to play. It could be a decision on love, education, work related, or a life decision,. Today you will make a decision  that will change your path going forward whether it be good or bad.. It may be a small decision you've thought of  and even as small as the decision might seem, it will have an impact that will change your Journey  for the good or for the bad.. 

Always remember to  put positives thought into making decision that will in the outcome be positive experience.. even if you know it might require a lot from you, whether its letting your ego down and doing something you don't want  because of resentment?  .. this decision you make today for a positive change in your life is crucial.. make sure you choose to treat others with positive actions even if you don't feel the need.. a decision you make could change your path for the good or for the bad.. Here's to Good Karma for those small deeds that you do for yourself and others that will always bring a positive outcome. Namaste =)

- Oracle of Light

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